I have been following http://www.harunyahya.com/ website for quite a while rite now (yrs?)
Evrydy, im looking forward to read a few section of the web which is 'Daily comments' and 'New information'. Im even print it out so i can reread it. Im believe on this site to guide me in this temporary world and the truth along my path.
Maybe after this i'll repost what i've read here.
There is book, articles, movie, audio book, flash movie and so on which is very interesting. Its all FREE!
Act i hav no idea what to do with my blog, so i'll post anything that i read, my interest, and might b anythng. hehehe
I know bout blog long before but this is the time that i might take it a bit more seriously.
'My mind was just a snowscape of blank. Maybe this juz isn't my cup of tea'
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