Yet although Said Nursi’s statements on these matters are very clear and distinct, the subject of the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) may sometimes be misunderstood. Some people have clichéd responses they give whenever the subject is raised. When asked, Will an individual known as the Mahdi appear in the End Times? for example, they reply, No, the Mahdi will not come, a collective personality will come, or the Mahdi has already come. Because the Mahdi is a collective personality; that is the Mahdi who will appear. His collective personality already exists. In the same way, when asked Will the Prophet Jesus (as) come to Earth a second time? they respond, No. The Prophet Jesus (as) will not return; the Prophet Jesus (as) himself will descend to Earth, he will be in the world as a collective personality, or The Prophet Jesus (as) has already come, as the collective personality of the Mahdi. Some people try to back up their ideas by using the words of Bediuzzaman, saying, In his works, Bediuzzaman has not made any clear statements regarding the coming of the Prophet Jesus (as) and the Mahdi.
Yet this perspective is exceedingly mistaken and false. All these clichéd responses express solely a personal opinion, based on no evidence, maybe due to force of habit or else that has taken root in the public subconscious. Because Bediuzzaman has actually described the coming of the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) in very clear terms; he has expressly stated that these personages awaited in the End Times will both appear as individuals, not as collective personalities.
This point can be clearly understood from Bediuzzaman’s statements about the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as):
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